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Religions in Sri Lanka


Buddhism is the most wide spread religion of the majority Sinhalese community. The origin of Sri lankan Buddhism is explained in historical books and chronicles in which tells how King Devanam Piyatissa (207 BC) was converted by Mahinda Thero; The son of King Asoka of India who was sent to Sri lanka to introduce the Buddhism. The Sinhalese see themselves as guardians of the original Buddhist faith and follow the Theravada or Hinayana tradition of Buddhism.

Sri Lankan Buddhist place particular emphasis on the sanctity of the relics of the Buddha, which are believed to have been brought to the island from India. The two most important are the “Bo tree” and the “tooth relic of the Buddha”. Buddhist believe worshiping Buddha’s relics or the things Buddha associated is like worshipping Buddha himself alive.

The Sri Maha bodhi tree at Anuradhapura is believed to be a sapling from the Bo tree under which the Buddha himself attained enlightenment at Buddha Gaya in India.
The tooth of the Buddha now enshrined at the Dalada Maligawa in Kandy is the most honored relic of Buddha venerated by Buddhists in Sri Lanka.
In ordinary daily life many Buddhist visit temples at least once a week and on poya days (full moon poya day of the month) gather in temples for special offerings.